Otherworldly Motherhood
A rite of passage into the otherworldly motherhood. A spiritual contract subconsciously signed long before physically becoming a mother for some and for others we simply forgot to read the fine print yet accepted the path into motherhood. Through our womb portals we have chosen life to repay some form of karmic debt belonging to either ourselves or those of our ancestors.
Join me on the journey returning to celf. Intu The Wild we will go deep beyond the superficial realms of understanding. Peeling back layers of misconceptions, adversities and beyond.

Holistic Doula Preserving Traditional Practices
Home Birth | Breastfeeding Education and Lactation Support
Free Birth Support | Youth Reproductive Education
Serving Houston, TX and virtually world wide.
Meet your Virtual Bestie
Essence - Gypsii Doula
As a mother of five, my experiences with birth have ranged greatly. From having one hospital birth that included several forms of intervention and even a warned c-section to having a peaceful birth center water birth, unintentional unassisted home birth due to precipitous labor as well as a beautiful birth in the privacy of our home to identical twins - my birth experiences have culminated to the education and resources I share with others. So many experiences jammed into such a short body of work I know… I said all that to say my personal pregnancy and birth experiences is how I coined myself with the name Gypsii Doula.
I’ve personally chosen to walk the unbeaten path of motherhood and our long forgotten ancestral ways of pregnancy, birthing and mothering. Eye am choosing to answer my call as a healer of my own bloodline as well as assisting you on your personal journey to heal your own.
I can’t wait to share life experiences with you.