Motherhood Intu The Wild
Before I go any further, take a moment to do some breath work with me.
Place one hand on your chest and the other on your middle section.
On your count of three close your eyes and take a deep breath from the pit of your belly.
Release any stagnant energy you’ve been holding onto in your subconscious mind.
If you’ve followed this simple breath guidance, how do you feel?
Now that you have made room to fill your cup…
Intu The Wild with me Bestie!
Intu The Wild is a Sacred Space curated with the intent to provide many unique portals, sacraments and other sacred offerings of my choosing to include holistic health and and wellness tips, indigenous prenatal, postpartum care , resources for self education, community building and so much more.
Creating safe spaces for women of color through many different rites of passages with a focus on pregnancy child birth and motherhood. As a mother of five children who has been navigating motherhood and in search of a village that aligns with our way of life , what better way to build community than to extend my authentic celf to others as eye have once or currently needed mycelf on the highest level.
Motherhood begins well before the point of conception and while many of were “taught” how to “care” four our children , the spiritual components have been long forgotten.
Simply put Motherhood is WILD AF.
Join me on this otherworldly motherhood experiences ebbs & flows as we get REAL RAW and UNFILTERED.